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Get A Step By Step Plan To Get Out Of Payday Loan Debt In Under 2 Years

No matter how many payday loans you have or how much debt you owe, we can help reduce your payments and lower interest rates by consolidating your debt into one affordable monthly payment.

Step 1 is to complete our payday loan relief survey, it just takes 1 minute.

You'll tell us about your situation by answering 5 questions so we can generate a detailed report showing you the most immediate steps you can take to eliminate your payday loan debt.


Solid Ground Financial has over 15 Years of experience helping people get out of debt and consolidating payday loans.

Our Payday Loan Consolidation program will give you control of your bank account and put you back in the driver’s seat with your finances.

Solid Ground Financials’ team of professionals are trained to design a payment plan that not only makes you feel comfortable but also can fast-track your Payday Loan Relief program in the shortest amount of time. Our programs are designed based on your budget, not your credit score!

We proudly have over 900 reviews on Google with a 4.9 star rating!


Solid Ground Financial has over 15 Years of experience helping people get out of debt and consolidating payday loans.

Our Payday Loan Consolidation program will give you control of your bank account and put you back in the driver’s seat with your finances.

Solid Ground Financials’ team of professionals are trained to design a payment plan that not only makes you feel comfortable but also can fast-track your Payday Loan Relief program in the shortest amount of time. Our programs are designed based on your budget, not your credit score!

We proudly have over 900 reviews on Google with a 4.9 star rating!

See What Our Happy Clients Said On Google

* These are screenshots of real Google reviews

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Why choose us

Our debt consolidation program has the best guarantee in the payday loan industry. If for any reason we are unsuccessful we will refund 100% of your money, guaranteed.

Solid Ground Financial has a 99% success rate helping clients consolidate their payday loans. Once you’re a client of ours you will have access to a dedicated account manager that will help reduce your monthly payments by an average of 50% and even reduce or eliminate your interest rates! 

Our mission is to get you out of debt and teach you how to pay off your payday loans with our debt consolidation program.

We proudly have over 400 reviews on Trustpilot.com with a 4.6 star rating.

See What Our Happy Clients Said On Trustpilot!

* These are screenshots of real trustpilot.com reviews

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Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.
*Solid Ground Financial is a Debt Relief Referral Service
*Solid Ground Financial Does Not Provide Loans to Consumers.
*We do not provide referrals for loans.
*We do not offer payday loans
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